Get Plugged In!

Community Groups are open to all Keller Williams Realty agents who would like to participate. These groups meet every first Tuesday of the month. You are welcome and encouraged to join any group that peaks your interest. Find a spot where you can contribute in your special way!

Education & Technology

Lead By: Michael Osborne (11am-12pm)

Is technology overwhelming you? Help us create and deliver a powerful training calendar to our market center and implement technology to enhance agent experience.


Lead By: Tori Wilson (12pm-1pm)

Are you interested in meeting new people in your market center and giving back to your community? We plan fun agent events (pet adoption fair, food & toy drives, & RED DAY) and find innovative ways to keep our agents safe.


Lead By: Carissa Acker (1pm-2pm)

Are you interested in growing your business and profit share? Theis group is here to help guide you in your real estate career. Not only is this group about your personal business, but the growth and retention of our agents in our market center.